The Homestead cage is 24 in x 24 in x 16 in. Recommended for smaller bunny breeds. Easy cleaning with slide out tray. The cage also includes: water bottle, starter kit of alfalfa hay & pellet feeder, potty pan, bunny bedding, cozy blanket, apple sticks & chew toys.
$250Foldable cage with tray slider. Includes: water bottle, alfalfa hay & pellet feeder, potty pan, bunny bedding , cozy blanket, apple sticks and chew toys. A supply of starter food for your new bunny is also provided.
$200*Girls 🩷
$25💙 boys
$25Includes: ALL grooming tools & brushes *Girls
$20Includes: ALL grooming brushes & tools * Boys 💙
$20Includes: bunny tunnel & chew treats